✧ Gold, Swedish Content Awards︎
✧ Content Campaign of the Month, 1st place, Resumé︎
✧ PR Campaign of the Month, 2nd place, Resumé︎
✧ Gold, Digital Publishing, European Excellence Awards︎
✧ Shortlist, Health & Pharma, European Excellence Awards︎

Apotek Hjärtat: Boobs and Balls Meditation

During the pandemic, fewer people have gone on routine check-ups at the doctor, resulting in fewer discovered cancer cases. Discovering the symptoms in time is vital, and a good first step is to regularly check yourself at home.

We wanted to make people understand the importance of regularly feeling your important parts for cancer symptoms. Another popular habit? Meditation. That’s why we created a meditation program for your boobs and balls, teaming up with a neuroscientist slash mindfulness guru and meditation platform Mindfully to spread our message.

Listen to the meditations here
The story was picked up by most major Swedish news outlets (and some of our finest memefluencers)

Thanks for squeezing! 👍